Monday, December 28, 2009


Well it is that time again ,and it is the time i hated the most it is the time for me and the other form five student of MJSC to go back to our college in order to pursuit our dreams to score STRAIGHT A+ for our spm

Well i am a little sad because i have to live my family for another year but what the heck.This is our final year after that we will be going on our separates ways furthering our studies .I am sure some might go overseas and some might enter a local university but i am sure about one thing we are all going to succeed in our lives.Well i am sure going to miss home and i guess there are some who would wind up crying on the first night like last year i just it isnt me because i have a reputation to manage.Well i this blog will not be updated for a while but watch out for me during the school holidays ok .


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